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Enabling teams to work better together

Unlock Your Communication Potential.

Explore the options below to improve your own and your team’s ability to share meaning effectively.

Chicken In – ditch the nerves and pitch the power

Chicken In pitching handbookNeed to outfox your public speaking fears so you can pitch your brilliant new ideas?  

Buy this easy-to-read book that looks at the relationship between nervousness – the fear and hesitancy we feel when a spotlight speaking occasion looms – and our power to change the experience for ourselves and our audience. Go to shop.

Who are the bright colours on your team?  

True Colors personality profiling with Presence Communications

Watch and learn here.

2 Quick Tips to Make Your Writing More Succinct

Watch and learn here.

Tune into your team to survive unplanned change.  

Listen and learn here.

Watch and learn here.


Learn more about leadership communication.  

Listen and learn here
on Coach Curl’s
Today’s Leader podcast


Learn more about communication confidence in team dynamics.  

Listen and learn here
on Roberta Ndala’s
Speaking and Communicating podcast

Want to write better business emails?

Watch and learn here.

Read and learn here.


Figure out the Communication Energy Equation.  

Learn about it here.

Boost your communication confidence with these quick reads.  

Or click through to the Communisence blog.